Amara onye wem

(I know who owns me)

Amara onye wem

(I know who owns me)

Amara onye wem

(I know who owns me)

He's a God who never forgets His own oh

Amara onye wem

(I know who owns me) *2

I have never seen the righteous forsaken

Nor his seed beg for bread oh

He's a God who never forgets His own oh

Amara onye wem

(I know who owns me)

Amara onye wem

I know the God that I serve

He's a God who never forgets His own oh

Amara onye wem

(I know who owns me)

Amara onye wem

(I know who owns me)

Amara onye wem

(I know who owns me)

He's a God who never forgets His own oh

Amara onye wem

(I know who owns me)

What He says will surely come to pass

All His promises are yea and amen

He's a God who never forgets His own oh

Amara onye wem

(I know who owns me)(He never sleeps, He never slumbers)

Amara onye wem

(Iknow who owns me)

Amara onye wem

(I know who owns me)

He's a God who never forgets His own oh

Amara onye wem

(I know who owns me)

And God we know who you are

That God that caused the little shepherd boy

Right from the bush

To be crowned king

The God who saw Daniel 

In the den of lions

And preserved him 

From the marauding teeth of the lion

We know who you are

The God that stopped death in its tracks

We know who you are

Father father, we the son

And never let the boy be buried

We know who you are

You called yourself the ever present

In the time of trouble

Storms may come

Floods may come

Troubles may come

But we know who you are

But we know who you are

For we will lift up our eyes unto the hills

From whence cometh our help

Our help cometh from you

We know who you are

You will never suffer our feet to be moved

For He that keepeth Israel will never slumber

He that keepeth Israel never sleeps

We know who you are

Lord that is why we say  it will not end in shame

You never forget your own

It will never end in pain

We know you are coming through

We know you are coming to roll away the shame

We know who you are 

You never forget your own

Lord the scripture says

Can a woman forget their suckling child?

Even if she forget

The scripture says the I Lord will remember you

Lord you never forget your own

Because of you we are confident in this one thing

That He that has begun a good work

In our lives will complete it

Lord we know you are coming through

Lord we know you are faithful

Lord we know you will finish that which you have started

It will not end the way the devil planned it

It will not end in shame

It will not end in disgrace

You are God all by yourself

And you said to the church in Philadelphia

Even though you have a little strength

You have kept my word

I have set before you an open door

Lord we know that there's an open door

For he that has no strength

You are coming through

You are coming through

We cry out to Abba

Abba Abba Abba

You will not forget your own

We lift up our hands to you

You will not forget your own

Abba we are still here

Abba we are in need of you

Abba we are calling out to you

You never forget your own

You will never forget your own

Amara onye wem

(know who owns me)

Amara onye wem

(I know who owns me)

He's a God who never forgets His own oh

Amara onye wem

(I know who owns me) 

Though it may tarry

It will surely come to pass o

He's a God who never forgets His own oh

Amara onye wem

(I know who owns me) 

this is my confidence

Amara onye wem

(I know who owns me)

Amara onye wem

(I know who owns me)

He's a God who never forgets His own oh

Amara onye wem

(I know who owns me) 

He's a God who never forgets His own oh

Amara onye wem

(I know who owns me)

The bible says we are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus

In him we live

In Him we move

And in Him we have our being

The God you serve He never sleeps He never slumber

He's a God who never forgets His own oh

Amara onye wem

(I know who owns me) 


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