
Showing posts from February, 2024


 I am a child of the most high I walk by faith and not by sight I speak this word by faith  And call it done oh  Amen I am a child of the most high I walk by faith and not by sight So I speak this word by faith  And call it done oh  Amen Menhu ye oo nso megye di (My eyes have not seen yet I receive) Nea mehu yi m'aba mu da o (I wont give up regardless of my situation) Whose repot? whose report? I shall believe the report of the Most high (*2) I am a child of the most high I walk by faith and not by sight So I speak this word by faith  And call it done oh  Amen Hey let the church say amen o Amen o Say amen o Amen o So I speak this word by faith  And call it done oh  Amen (*2) I see a paragigm shift (Amen o) Divine increase I speak this word by faith  And call it done oh  Amen Breakthrough knocking on my door Oya now (go on now) step into greatness Amen o I speak this word by faith  And call it done oh  Amen Not by might not by power Not by might not by sight But I speak this word by


 The pages of my life tell of Your Goodness.  Every chapter of my story show how You led me, Lord I’m the handwriting of mercy by the Finger of the Lord This is The Finger of The Lord, eii You’ve been right here beside me,  Through the fire, Through the rain. I didn’t burn, I didn’t drown  ‘cause you were right by my side. I am a living testimony of the Goodness of the Lord, eii. This is The Doing of The Lord. What shall I render in deed, what shall I render? What shall I render to You, what shall I render? Se enye Nyame na ewo mafa aa, anka É›nyÉ› oo  (Had it not been the Lord on my side, where would I be?)   Enye Nyame na É›hu me mmoba aa (Had the Lord not shown me mercy) Enye Nyame na ewo mafa aa, (Had it not been the Lord on my side) Enye Nyame na oye m’adom (Had it not been the Grace of God) This is …This is The Doing of The Lord. What shall I render in deed, what shall I render? What shall I render to You, what shall I render? Enye Nyame na ewo mafa aa, anka enye oo (Had it not been


 Sisi ndio wale watoto wa Mungu Ukitugusa tapigwa na Mungu Na tulipo katuweka Mungu Ni mboni ya jicho lake huyu Mungu Sisi ndio wale twapendwa na Mungu Ukitugusa tapigwa na Mungu Chini juu katuleta Mungu Sio mchezo kupendwa na huyu Mungu Mungu ni mmoja hi dunia Nampenda namwamini Nmzungumzia Mungu mmoja yule wa upendo Pamoja twalisifu jina lake Ndiye Yesu mwenye jina kuu Heshima mamlaka vi mabegani mwake Na uweza na nguvu mtawala wa vyote Ndio maana twamsifu Hapa tulipo katuweka Mungu Hatungefika hapa bila yeye Nani wa kupinga Mungu akipanga hakuna mwingine kama huyu Mungu wetu Eh tunasema (eh ehe he ) Twapendwa (eh eh eh) Na Yesu  (eh eh eh) Ndio maana twamsifu Sisi ndio wale watoto wa Mungu Ukitugusa tapigwa na Mungu Na tulipo katuweka Mungu Ni mboni ya jicho lake huyu Mungu Sisi ndio wale twapendwa na Mungu Ukitugusa tapigwa na Mungu Chini juu katuleta Mungu Sio mchezo kupendwa na huyu Mungu Iwe shida na magonjwa Kiuma moyo hutibu Hata siwezi kueleza Mzuri ya huyu Yesu Tunalindwa tu


 Mungu umenipa nafasi nyingine tena Nafasi ya kushukuru ule wema upendo wako Naomba uzima ,hekima yako Hata nisijivune maana wewe mtenda yote Hata yale yamepita ukaniongoza nimebaki na amani Na umeniweka pazuri nisnakushukuru Baba wa mbinguni Pamoja na shida zangu zote najua ukonami na iwe sehemu yangu Naomba baraka zako zije, zifike na unyenyekevu kama Mungu uishivyo Wanipenda na hujawai niacha kuna muda sivumilii Bado Mungu wangu wanipenda Wewe ni sababu ya mimi kuishi hata hapa niko na wewe Umenivusha kwa mambo mengi Mungu hufanya mambo makubwa kwangu nisiyo yajua Husimama namimi usiku mchana Hata nikatafuta wa kumwambia na sikumpata Nikakuona wewe Mungu mwenye upendo Mungu wewe una siri kubwa nisiyoijua Umenipigania (mmh) usiku mchana Haya mafanikio yakaja umekuwa na mimi Hujaacha nishindwe sifa zikurudie Pamoja na shida zangu zote najua ukonami na iwe sehemu yangu Naomba baraka zako zije, zifike na unyenyekevu kama Mungu uishivyo Wanipenda na hujawai niacha kuna muda sivumilii Bad


 Akiinua hakuna atakaye ishusha Akibariki hakuna takaye laani  Akikubali hakuna atakaye kanusha Neno lake lazima litimie  Akiinua hakuna atakaye ishusha Akibariki hakuna takaye laani  Akikubali hakuna atakaye kanusha Neno lake lazima litimie kwangu Wale wanafunzi wa Yesu walishinda usiku kucha  Wakivua samaki baharini Hadi asubuhi wasipate samaki hata mmoja  Wakamwona Yesu kasimama ufukweni wa bahari Akawaambia tupeni nyavu zenu upande wa kulia wa mashua Walishindwa kuwavuta samaki wengi (AH walishangaa sana) Je wajifunza nini kwa habari za Yesu Umesoma nini anaponena Yesu Je wasoma nini anapotoa amri Hata samaki na maji na watu waelewe Hakuna jambo linalomshinda Yesu Mahangaiko yako ni kitu kidogo kwake Uangalie upande wa kulia wewe upate jibu (*2) Lipo jambo limekutesa Lipo jambo limekusumbua Shusha nyavu upande wa kulia uone mambo (*2) Hakuna jambo linalomshinda Yesu Mahangaiko yako ni kitu kidogo kwake Uangalie upande wa kulia wewe upate jibu (*4)


 Amezaliwa tumshangilie Amezaliwa tusherekee (*2) Dunia yetu imepata mkombozi Dunia yetu imepata Bwana Yesu ndiye wetu mkombozi Wanadamu tumepata aah (*2) Kuzaliwa kwa Yesu mbinguni waliimba Malaika mbinguni walishangilia Amani duniani kwa duniani yote Kwa wanadamu wote aliowaahidia waupate uzima Yesu alizaliwa kwa hori la ng'ombe Mama jusi wa mbali walifika kumwona Leo Yesu naomba uzaliwe moyoni Ili nipate njia ya kupata wokovu (*2) (Yesu kazaliwa) Bethlehemu bethlehemu Kalazwa horini, hori la ng'ombe (Wachunga kondeni) Walizipata walizipata Habari za Yesu amezaliwa (*2) Ni furaha kuu kumpata mwokozi (yesu) Malaika nao waimba mbinguni (leo) Haleluya bwana yesu kazaliwa (wote) wote tumwabudu tumsujudie wote tumwabudu tumsujudie (*2) Kuzaliwa kwa bwana kuzaliwa yesu  kuzaliwa kulitabiriwa (*2) Yusufu mariamu wazazi wa yesu Na nguvu za Mungu ziliwahukia Utukufu pia una mwana huyu wako kutuponya (*2) Kazaliwa kazaliwa kazaliwa messiah kazaliwa (repeat)


 Holy spirit Yehla moy'ongcwele (come Holy spirit) Yehla moy'ongcwele (come Holy spirit) Thina silambele wena (we are hungry for you) Thina silambele wena (we are hungry for you) Yehla mthokozisi (come Holy spirit) Yehla mthokozisi (come Holy spirit) Thina silambele wena (we are hungry for you) Thina silambele wena (we are hungry for you) Moy'ongcwele ( Holy spirit)  Moy'ongcwele (Holy spirit) Holy spirit send your fire Holy spirit send your fire "When the day of Pentecost had fully come come  they were all with one accord and in one place  Then suddenly there came a sound from heaven and it filled the whole house where they were seated it was like a mighty rushing wind and there appeared to them divided tongues of fire and it sat upon each and everyone of them and they were filled with the holy spirit  and began to speak in other tongues as the spirit gave them utterance and some people who heard them they were amazed and they were perplexed and the bible says som


Isaiah 49:1 5Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child  she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you!  16See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands;  your walls are ever before me. 17Your children hasten back,  and those who laid you waste depart from you.  Abanyempano benshi baruhukiye mu bituro  [The most gifted people rest in the graves] Abanditse indirimbo zagaruye benshi Ku gakiza baribagiranye [The powerful songwriters who led many to salvation have been forgotten] Abari intwari mu byo kwizera bararashwe baragwa [The mighty giants of faith have been shot dead] Abari baturangaje imbere bahumishijwe amaso n’ibirabagirana by’iyisi [Those who guided us were blinded by the pleasures of this world]   Uko ibyo byose biba, niko urukundo rwawe rwiyongera umunsi ku munsi  [Even while all these changes are happening, your unwavering love grows day by day] Imbabazi zawe zikuzura isi, maze abahora imbere yawe tugahabwa ihumure [Then y


Jeremiah 30: 17 But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,’  declares the LORD, ‘because you are called an outcast,  Zion for whom no one cares. 1Peter 5 :10 And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ,  after you have suffered a little while,  will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. Nasikia kuitwa na sauti yake anasema njoo kwangu nikurejeshe (I hear his voice calling saying come to me i will restore) Yaliobiwa yaliyochukuliwa na mwovu anasema njoo kwangu nikurejeshe (What was sttolen by the enemy, come I will restore) Nikurejeshe, nikurejeshe Anasema njoo kwangu nikurejeshe (I will restore to you) Amani ya moyo iliyotoweka  usiitafute pengine, Kwake Yesu utaipata Furaha ya kweli iliyotoweka  usiitafute pengine, Kwake Yesu utaipata (Peace that was lost, joy that was lost you'll find it in Jesus) Ndipo hayo mema yatakujilia Atarejesha vyote adui alivyochua (Good will come to you'He will restore what the enemy s


Psalms 103 Praise the LORD, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. 2 Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits-- 3 who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, 4 who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, 5 who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's. Moya waka (My Soul) Wena hlankela Jehova (You  serve Jehovah) Bina moya waka (Sing my Soul) O mo rorise (and praise Him) (Repeat) Kere ako binehle moya waka (I say sing my soul) Binela Jehova (Sing for Jehovah) Bina moya waka (Sing my Soul) O mo rorise (and praise Him) (Repeat) Kere hlankela Jehova (I say serve Jehovah) Hlankela Jehova (Serve Jehovah) Bina moya waka (Sing my Soul) O mo rorise (And praise Him) (Repeat) Bina moya waka (Sing my Soul) O mo rorise (And praise Him) (Repeat)


2 Corinthians 9:8And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye,  always having all sufficiency in all things , may abound to every good work Neema gani hiyo inayobadili misimu Kumfanya yeyote yule asishindwe na chochote Neema gani hiyo inayobadilisha watu Kuwatoa matopeni kuwaketisha na wakuu juu Kibali cha Mungu kilichofanya Esther na Josefu Kutokataliwa machoni pa wanadamu Hiyo hiyoneema na kibali Hiyo hiyo neema na kibali Naiombea mimi Naiombea mimi Naiombea mimi Naiombea mimi Nami najiombea neema kibali chake Nami najiombea neema izidi nisonge mbele Wengine hatuhitaji connection ndio tusonge mbele Ila yake Mungu wetu affection atuneemeshe Wengine hatuhitaji connection ndio tusonge mbele Ila yake Mungu wetu affection atuneemeshe Wengine wanang'ang'ana sababu neema haipo Mambo hayasongi Mambo hayaendi Mambo hayasongi Mambo hayaendi Tunahitaji kibali kwa Mungu na wanadamu pia Tunahitaji kibali kwa Mungu na wanadamu pia Hiyo hiyoneema na kibali Hiyo hiyo neema n


The song "matokeo ya neema" by Agape gospel band is a song of  gratitude to God when one recalls of his goodness upon our lives. The general meaning of the song is that even when everyone turned their back upon us, God did not forget us. He remembered us and crowned us with glory. As the scripture says in psalms 113:7 that he lifts the poor man from the ashes and makes him to sit with kings and share in their glory. The song also reminds us that all things are from him and we should never take pride in ourselves but only in God.  Nimekumbukwa Bwana Yesu amenikumbuka Nimekumbukwa Bwana Yesu amenikumbuka Nimekumbukwa Bwana Yesu amenikumbuka (repeat) Niliyesahauliwa na ndungu na marafiki Bwana yesu amenikumbuka Niyedharauliwa na familia yangu yote Bwana yesu amenikumbuka Bwana yesu amenikumbuka Mimi niliyetengwa na majirani Bwana yesu amenikumbuka Kwa sababu ya upungufu wa hela Walinisahau marafiki wote lakini bwana yesu Bwana yesu amenikumbuka Mimi niliyelia nimelia sana laikin


 What’s your impossible Your “I need a miracle” What’s got you barely hanging by a single thread What looks so hopeless now  What weighs down your heart with doubt  You beg for a breakthrough but no sign of breakthrough yet When you’ve cried and you’ve cried til your tears run dry The answer won’t come and you don’t know why And you wonder if you can bow your head even one more time  Don’t stop praying Don’t stop calling on Jesus name Keep on pounding on heaven’s door Let your knees wear out the floor Don’t stop believing ‘Cause mountains move with just a little faith And your Father’s heard every single word you’re saying So, don’t stop praying He’s close to the brokenhearted Saves those who are crushed in spirit The Alpha and Omega knows how your story ends When you’ve cried and you’ve cried til your tears run dry The answer won’t come and you don’t know why And you wonder if you can bow your head even one more time Oh, do it one more time And don’t stop praying Don’t stop calling on


 I'm about to have a good day (good day) No matter what they say (what the say) The sun is shining down on me Birds are singing praise I'm about to have a good day (good day) In every single way The God who made the universe Knows me by my name So it's a good day Baby in my arms walking through the neighborhood Living in the present Not woulda, shoulda or coulda I remember back when I was as low as a rag Now I'm standing up look what my father does Turning old things new Grey skies blue Hear the church saying 'Wont He do it" I know He's got my back That's why I'm singing that I'm about to have a good day (good day) No matter what they say (what the say) The sun is shining down on me Birds are singing praise I'm about to have a good day (good day) In every single way The God who made the universe Knows me by my name So it's a good day It's a good day, mmh no, it's great Everything I prayed for didn't come in late I got all I n


Here I am in your presence Do to me what you want I'm open before you Lord Do to me what you want Here I am in your presence Do to me what you want I'm open before you Lord Do to me what you want This is the place of encounter This is the place of surrender This is the place where my flesh gives way This is the place where my life is changed Do to me what you want (repeat) I'm open I'm open(repeat) (This is the place of revival This is the place of renewal The door from strength to strength Each one appears before God  This is the place where my flesh gives way Where I lay aside every weight An the seed that easily beset me This is the place where Simon becomes Peter Where Abram becomes Abraham  Where Jacob is turned to Israel  Where Saul becomes Paul At the feet of my Jesus is the place of power Is the place of exchange I exchange my weakness for His strength My sorrow for His joy My pain for His gain This is the place  I will never go back the same way) I wont remain


Rarama is a word in shona that means 'be alive' or 'bring to life' .. We have all at some point been in situations where we thought we could not make it through but God gave us a happy turn of events. If you share in a similar testimony this is a great song that expressed gratitude to God. Not to be ignorant of the fact that one could still be in that season where nothing seems to work out. Don't give up, God's salvation is nearer than we think. Blessings as you enjoy these uplifting lyrics Makazviona kuti ndave kuparara (You saw that I was perishing) Hosha hurwere ndufu (Diseases sicknesses death) Zvasimuka (Rose against me) Mwari we (O God) Mukati rarama (And you said live) Micah mwanangu (Micah my son) Rarama (live) Saka nhasi ndiri mupenyu (So today I am alive) Mukati rarama (And you said live) Rarama (live) Saka nhasi ndiri mupenyu (So today I am alive) Makandiona ndawisirwa pasi nezvivi (You saw me wasted in sin) Mkandibata mukandisimudza (You held me and


  Chisimbiso by Michael Mahendere is a song written in shona (a South African dialect) that speaks of believers being made new in Christ Jesus and the confidence we have in His second coming that we will be found in Him and belong to Him through all eternity. As the bible urges us let's be encouraged to work out our salvation and remain in the faith. Below are the lyrics and translation in English. Takatengwa (We were bought) Nemutengo unopfuura (By a price more precious) Sirivha negoridhe (Than silver and gold) Asineropa raJesu (But the blood of Jesus) Isu takatengwa (We were bought0 Nemutengo unopfuura (By a price more precious0 Sirivha negoridhe (Than silver and gold) Asineropa raJesu (But the blood of Jesus) Isu tinacho chisimbo chake (We have his seal) Icho chamweya mutsvene (That of the Holy Spirit0 Apo Jesu (When Jesus) Oshevedza vake (Calls His own) Ndichamunzwa (I will hear Him) Ndichabvutwa naye (I will be raptured by Him) Apo Jesu (When Jesus) Oshevedza vake (Calls His o


 The hour is dark, And it’s hard to see, What you are doin’, Here in the ruins And where this will lead, Oh but I know, That down through the years, I’ll look on this moment, See your hand on it And know you were here And I’ll testify of the battles you’ve won How you were my portion when there wasn’t enough I'll sing a song of the seas that we crossed The waters you parted The waves that I walked Oh oh oh  My God did not fail Oh oh oh  it’s the story I’ll tell Oh oh oh  I know it is well Oh oh oh it’s the story I’ll tell Believing gets hard When options are few When I can't see how you're moving I know that you're proving You're the God that comes through Oh but I know That over the years, I’ll look back on this moment And see your hand on it And know You were here And I’ll testify of the battles you’ve won How you were my portion when there wasn’t enough I'll sing a song of the seas that we crossed The waters you parted The waves that I walked Oh oh oh My God


  A thousand generations  Falling down in worship To sing the song of ages to the Lamb And all who've gone before us  And all who will believe Will sing the song of ages to the Lamb Your name is the highest Your name is the greatest Your name stands above them all All thrones and dominions All powers and positions Your name stands above them all And the angels cry, Holy All creation cries, Holy You are lifted high, Holy Holy forever If you've been forgiven  And if you've been redeemed Sing the song forever to the Lamb If you walk in freedom  And if you bear His name Sing the song forever to the Lamb We'll sing the song forever and amen And the angels cry, Holy All creation cries, Holy You are lifted high, Holy Holy forever Hear Your people sing, Holy To the King of Kings, Holy You will always be, Holy Holy forever Your name is the highest Your name is the greatest Your name stands above them all All thrones and dominions All powers and positions Your name stands above t


 I wish I could tell you Wish I could describe it But I can't contain it Can't keep it to myself There aren't enough colors To paint the whole picture Not enough words To ever say what I found Wonderful and beautiful And glorious and holy He is merciful and powerful Who we talkin' about? That's my King We declare the glory Give Him all the honor Altogether worthy Who we talkin' about? That's my King There's no one before You Yes, we will adore You All of this is for You Who we talkin' about? That's my King I'm not letting the rocks cry Without joining the chorus There aren't enough notes To make the harmony It's the song of the angels (angels) Through all of the ages (ages) It's all of the earth And heaven's symphony Wonderful and beautiful And glorious and holy He is merciful and powerful Who we talkin' about? That's my King We declare the glory Give Him all the honor Altogether worthy Who we talkin' about? That&#


Amara onye wem (I know who owns me) Amara onye wem (I know who owns me) Amara onye wem (I know who owns me) He's a God who never forgets His own oh Amara onye wem (I know who owns me) *2 I have never seen the righteous forsaken Nor his seed beg for bread oh He's a God who never forgets His own oh Amara onye wem (I know who owns me) Amara onye wem I know the God that I serve He's a God who never forgets His own oh Amara onye wem (I know who owns me) Amara onye wem (I know who owns me) Amara onye wem (I know who owns me) He's a God who never forgets His own oh Amara onye wem (I know who owns me) What He says will surely come to pass All His promises are yea and amen He's a God who never forgets His own oh Amara onye wem (I know who owns me)(He never sleeps, He never slumbers) Amara onye wem (Iknow who owns me) Amara onye wem (I know who owns me) He's a God who never forgets His own oh Amara onye wem (I know who owns me) And God we know who you are That God that ca


Lord I just wanna thankyou How could I ever repay oh Jesus you've the pains away from me And you have given me victory eh Everywhere I go blessings follow (follow, follow, follow) Anything I do favour follow omo Kings are coming to my rising I'm going higher by the grace of God oh Oil on my head (Oil on my head) Oil on my head (Oil on my head) Increase in my hands  (Increase in my hands) Increase in my hands (Increase in my hands) Speed on my feet (Speed on my feet) Speed on my feet (Speed on my feet) Everywhere I go (Everywhere I go) Everywhere I go (Everywhere I go) I'm like the tree planted by the rivers of waters My leaves are ever green I'm going upward ,upward and forward forever eh Everywhere I go favour follow me cha Everything I do increase plenty It's my season of answers When I call He answers I can never go down oh  no no no no no no Oil on my head (Oil on my head) Oil on my head (Oil on my head) Increase in my hands (Increase in my hands)  Increase in m


 You're the one who goes before me through all seasons I won because you brought me through  Even now my voice I raise to thank you Jesus I praise you God you are faithful  I remember what you did before You will do it again I remember what you did before You will do it again My latter shall be greater From glory to glory My latter shall be greater From glory to glory You're the one who goes before me through all seasons I won because you brought me through  Even now my voice I raise to thank you Jesus Eeeh, I praise you God you are faithful  Lord, I remember what you did before,  You will do it again I remember what you did before,  You will do it again My latter shall be greater From glory to glory My latter shall be greater From glory to glory You did it before It's already done Lord you said it is finished I say Amen You are a faithful God January to December  Lord you said it is finished I say Amen Over my family, Amen Over my business, Amen This year it shall be great


 Chorus: The word of the creator reaches where I cross  It breaks the brass that makes the gates of the mountains When he says only once, everything is obedient  I Have something to say I Have something to say about me king I heard it once and I jumped Speaking of which my own is perfect. I know you spent the night fishing, And nothing you took Now I say trust Throw the net in the water I know you've been on the lake for days, You wait for someone to have mercy on you, Here’s to getting you to believe it Make a bed and go home I know you've been begging for days Passengers know you, Here’s to getting you to believe it Go tell the good news (Chorus) Here’s how long you’ve been on this mountain Doubt is wrong, now I say Turn around and flee the country The beautiful Word Jambo is a sword, That is the creation that inspires the Heart, All other words are Normal Thoughts


  Chorus   Ijambo Ry’umuremyi Rigeze aho ndi ndahembuka ,  Rimenagura imiringa Rihindisha Umushyitsi Imisozi,  Iyo avuze Rimwe gusa , Ibiriho byose birumvira .  Ugire ico uvuga Ugire ico umvugaho mwami  Numvigaho rimwe ndahembuka  Nuvuga ibyanjye biratungana.  Ndazi ko mwaraye ijoro muroba,  Kandi ntakintu nakimwe mwafashe  None ndavuze mwizere Mujugunye inshundura mumazi  Ndazi ko umaze iminsi ku kidendezi,  Utegereje umuntu ukugirira impuhwe,  Dore nkugezeho wizere  Ikorere uburiri utahe  Ndazi ko umaze iminsi usabiriza  Abahisi abagenzi barakumenye,  Dore nkugezeho wizere  Genda uvuge inkuru nziza  (Chorus) Dore igihe mumaze kuri uyu musozi  Sugushidikanya ni kirekire, None ndavuze  Muhindukire mbagabiye igihugu  Jambo ryiza Jambo ni inkota ihinguranya,  Iryo niryo rirema rikaremesha Umutima,  Andi magambo yose yo ni Ibitekerezo Birasanzwe (Chorus)


Hazab’ imisozi, itazakurwaho  (There will be mountain that will not be moved) 
Hazaba n’inzuzi, ntazashobora kwambuka  (They will be waters I won’t be able to cross) 
Si buri sengesho, rizabusizwa uko nsaba  (It’s not every prayer I pray that will be answered) 
Si buri ndirimbo, izanduhur’umutima  (It is not every song that will comfort my heart) Ndagufite mfit’umurengezi  (As long as I have You Lord, I have a Savior) 
Unyereke imigambi yawe, nkumenye  (Show me your plans, so that I can know you well) 
Niba nkugiriyeho umugisha, unyibuke  (If I have found favor before you, remember me) 
Ijisho ryawe nirimbeho, ibihe n’ibihe  (May you never stop watching me,  from generation to generation) 
Ineza yaw’ imperekeze kundunduro  (Your goodness walk with me to the very end) 
Iri ni isengesho, nkumeney’umutima  ( This is my prayer, I pour out my heart to you) 
Icyo nsaba, tugumane, niba nkugiriyeho umugisha  (This I ask, stay with me, if I have found favor before You)  Wibuk’amagambo meza nsab


Ngaphandle kwakho Moy'oyingncwele (Without you, Holy Spirit) Sithi alikho eliny'ithemba  (We say there is no other hope) Ngaphandle kwakho Moy'oyingncwele (Without you, Holy Spirit) Ngaphandle kwakho Moy'yingncwele (Without you, Holy Spirit) Siyaphela ngaphandle kwakho  (We are finished without You) Siyashabalala ngaphandle kwakho  (We perish without You) Kuyaphela ngathi ngaphandle kwakho  (It is finished without You) Sithi alikho eliny'ithemba  (We say there is no other hope) Elingaphezu kwalelakho Baba (That is above Yours Father) Moy'oyingncwele Moy'oyingncwele (Holy Spirit Holy Spirit) Zibonakalise  (Reveal Yourself) Bonakalalalala (Avail Yourself) Sithi alikho eliny'ithemba  (We say there is no other hope) Esinga balekela kulo (That we can run to) Esinga phepha kulo (That we can save ourselves with) Moya Moya Moya (Spirit Spirit Spirit) Moy'oyingncwele Moy'oyingncwele (Holy Spirit Holy Spirit) Moy'oyingncwele Moy'oyingncwele (Holy S


Let your living waters  Flow over my soul Let your Holy Spirit Come and take control Of every situation that has troubled my mind All my cares and troubles Unto you I roll (repeat) Jesus ,Jesus, Jesus Father, Father, Father Spirit, Spirit, Spirit


Akudingwa nasibani  (There is no need for a lamp) Ngoba uJes’ulilanga  (Because Jesus is the sun)  Bonke abakholwa kuye  (All who believe in Him) Bokhanyis’okwelanga  (Will shine like the sun)  Angisoze ngahlukana  (I will never be apart) Nongithanda kangaka  (From the one who loves me so much) Njalo sothandana naye  (Forever I will be in love with Him) Khona lana khona le  (Both here and also in heaven)  Njalo sothandana naye  (Forever I will be in love with Him) Khona lana khona le  (Both here and also in heaven)  Angisoze ngahlukana  (I will never be apart) Nongithanda kangaka  (From the one who loves me so much) Njalo sothandana naye  (Forever I will be in love with Him) Khona lana khona le  (both here and also in heaven) Revelation 21:23 The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of the Lord gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp


Sivuselele nkosu Jesu (Revive us king Jeus) sivuselele amen (Revive us amen) Sivuzelele nkosu Jesu (Revive us king Jesus) Sivuzelele (Revive us) Halellujah thine the glory Hallelujah amen Hallelujah thine the glory Revive us again Revive us again




  Limnand’igama, (lo Jesu) (The Name of Jesus is so sweet) Limnand’igama,( selimnandi igama lakho) (It is sweet, Your Name is beautiful) Limnand’igama, lo Jesu (The Name of Jesus is so sweet) Selimnandi igama lakho (Your Name is sweet) Oh Jesu Limnandi igama (Oh Jesus! The Name is sweet) Selimnandi igama lakho (Your Name is sweet) Izilingo ohmhlaba, asisoze (The worldly trials, will never) ‘Saz’igwinya thina (Swallow us) Uthemb’ isile, umnini mandla onke (For our hope is in You, All-powerful God) (Repeat) Bamba mzalwane, O kuyeza (Hold firm brother, Oh He is coming) x3 Masinyane (Bamba, Bamba) (Very soon( Hold on, hold on)) Background: Ngiphilel’u Somandla kumnandi (I live for the Almighty) Bamba mzalwane, O kuyeza (Hold on child of God, Oh He is coming) x3 Masinyane (Bamba, Bamba) (Very soon (Hold on, hold on) )


 Siwezi pigana nawe nanyosha mikono juu basi pigana na Mungu Siwezi shindana nawe nanyosha mikono juu bashi shindana na Mungu (I cannot fight with you, fight with God. I cannot compete with you, compete with God) Ooh shindana na Mungu(shindana na Mungu) basi pigana na Mungu(pigana na Mungu) Hata kama vita nitapigana Ila ushindi atanishindia aah Yote si mapenzi yangu Bali ni mapenzi yake Mungu Ukitamka laana Ila baraka kanitamkia Yote si mapenzi yangu Bali kwa mapenzi yake Mungu (Even when I fight God gives me victory, not My will but by His will. If you speak a curse over me God has spoken blessings over me by His will) Maana uhai wangu mie Nimemkabidhi yeye Ukitaka kunigusa mie Unataka kumgusa yeye Ukinigusa kwa mema Atakubariki atakubariki Ila ukitaka kwa mabaya Usishiriki maana siyo rahisi (For my life belongs to Him and whatever you do to me is also unto Him) Maana vita yangu eeh Si ya mwili bali ni ya rohoni Tena sipigani mimi Anayenipigania Mwokozi hivyo (I do not fight in the fl


 Ephphatha is a Greek word that means "be opened". In the bible it was used by Jesus as He healed a dumb and deaf man as seen in the gospel of Mark 7:34.The message behind the lyrics of this song is prophetic as it announces forth open doors in our lives.


Oh oh oooh oh Naanza na Mungu  God is my first one Mimi ni wa Mungu God is my first one Tunaanza na Mungu God is our first one Sisi ni wa Mungu God is our first one Uniku-mbushe kuanza nawe Maana kukujua we ni chanzo cha maarifa Ninapote-mbea niongozwe nawe Katika safari yangu utanifikisha ah Ziongoze nyayo za miguu yangu Shughulika na watesi wangu Maana we ndiwe nuru ya maisha yangu Na kila ulichokiahidi kitakua changu If the God wish oh One day you will be superstar (superstar) If the God bless oh Utaheshimika kwa mitaa Mtangulize Mungu atakushangaza Muaminie yeye atende miujiza Naanza na Mungu  God is my first one Mimi ni wa Mungu God is my first one Tunaanza na Mungu  God is our first one Sisi ni wa Mungu God is our first one Niianzapo siku yangu  Minaanza na  wewe Mungu Nifanyapo jambo langu Nipatapo shida zangu Nakuweka mbele Baba Hapo mwanzo nilifeli Kwa kuwa sikuanza nawe Hapo mwanzo nilishindwa Kwa kuwa sikukufuata Ila leo (leo)leo (leo) Naanza na wewe Mungu Ila leo (leo)leo (


There are Kings There are Kingdoms There are Mountains and there are thrones Only Yeshua will reign forever To his kingdom there will be no end. ah ah ah ah to his kingdom there will be no end There are names There are titles There are legends and tales of strength Only Yeshua will reign forever To his Kingdom there will be no end. ah ah ah ah to his kingdom there will be no end There are chains There are curses But no evil can stand your power Only Yeshua will reign forever To his kingdom there will be no end. ah ah ah ah to his kingdom there will be no end There are times There are seasons Every Glory will fade away Only Yeshua will reign forever To his kingdom there will be no end. ah ah ah ah to his kingdom there will be no end Psalms 154:13 Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and your kingdom endures through all generations. The Lord is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all He does